Wednesday 28 August 2024

The Deck (again)

Previous renovation

The deck went in around October 2011.

Quite a few beams to replace this time, plus all the uprights. The uprights have rotted off above ground. All the wood set in concrete is as-new. There is a rose and honeysuckle which have done a good job of pushing the pergola north

Of the 6 posts, 2 can't be removed due to the rose and the honeysuckle. The southern 2 (3) are both at 500mm deep and in with speed beton. The RH one thursday 22nd, the LH one saturday 24rd August. Of the northern 2 (3) the LH one has a decent socket 25cm deep and is anchored onto a large rock. The RH one was dug fresh (easier) and is 600 from grass, which is 100mm higher than the original.

The intention is :- southern end, link the 2 good posts with a chevron and attach the horizontal part as-is. No point trying to force the rose around; northern end, make Y pieces between the post and rail.

The concrete sets hard quickly, but like any concrete is at design strength in 28 days. After 7 days is nearly 2/3 full strength

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