The increasing number of planted items in the garden is meaning me spending more time moving 5th to reverse more often than I'm straight running. A hydrostatic box beckoned. Of course, if your going to have a hydro box, you may as well get a rear collector too, as they are also marginally narrower without the side discharge. And a bigger engine to cope with the losses in the hydro box - well, it goes without saying.
Welcome to the 3rd ride-on in 7 years. Cub Cadet CC1016 KHE. This one is ~4.5 years old and has only ever cut ~1500m2 (google maps calculates ~1100m2). There is still stacks of rubber on the tyres. The hour meter is 139 hours, but the guy told me he'd left the ignition on until the battery went flat - probably 1.5 to 2 days. If you said 80 actual hours, 20/year, that is slightly more hours than 'we' cut, but I got the impression he cuts weekly. This does tie up with the oil change intervals. He changed the oil+filter for sale as he had already bought it. He is moving house in September, but decided to sell it now. I did find an ad for his house in LBC, plus his hunting lodge.
In Feb 2013, the retail value was €4079, on offer at €3399 and the guy paid €3200. I paid €1550. He said the local dealer was sort-of a friend had offered him €1400 (if he bought a trailer from him) and he would sell it for €1800-1900 ie +30%, which seems to be the margin on new ones. My local dealer had only 1 small used ride-on for sale, and he hardly ever had ones with collectors as they are the most sought after. The other local dealer had nothing (again) and only GGF made machines (see other post on brands)
I'd say it's never been to a dealer for a service as there isn't much visible grease. That and there is no service receipts. The guy is meticulous and keeps everything. He gave me the folder with manuals, spare key, receipt etc. The oil is noted as changed :-
Date hours
12/5/13 5
1/4/14 20 oil + filter. Motul synthetic
13/7/17 139 oil + filter. Oil type? Clean. Filled to mid mark.
Oil change interval is 100 hours, 200 for the filter.
Don't screw the dip stick in to measure level.
Air filter is very clean. He said to replace it when it's black, but I'd say it's original as it's OEM.
No fuel tap
There is a voltage reg on the engine. Will need to test it.
19Ah MTD probably original battery. Standard size 130 W, 225 L, 155 tall. Volts low compared to a 30Ah.
14/8/17 Battery still good, but swapped and sold. 'New' battery is 30Ah Yuasa 1 year old (2/5/16) from another ride-on. Terminals on the wrong side meaning the cover fits badly, but ok.
Wiring for a oil pressure gauge, but the dash has no light and no sensor on engine.
Hour meter.
Made by Delta Systems Inc. Uses a PIC16f677. Fully protected code + eeprom. User ID 7f 7f 7f 7f. Checksum 0303.
Looking at rear of pcb, 8 pin conn at bottom, there are 5 THP not coated. Top left dat, next to the right 0V (obvious), just below clk. Bottom right +5, above to the left mclr.
Power. Rear. Top row, RHS, 0v - obvious. +12 top row LHS.
Tried 2- 10 power cycles in 5s. no reset. It counts to 800, but it's not clear if it then starts again from 0.
From the mower schematic, front of pcb, bottom row, LHS, square pin in 1. Pins count to the right to pin 4, and pin 5, 0v, is above pin 1.

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