Wednesday, 14 April 2021

LEDVANCE wifi socket

An Amazon bargain (9€), this socket also has power monitoring using a really nice chip HLW8012.
This one came with a ESP8265 chip, which I programmed using ESP01 settings.
Very similar to this
Soldered a wire onto GP0 on the rear of the module.
Ground and reset to enter boot mode.
Works fine with ESPHome
Button 13, relay 12, led 3, HLW select 14, CF 4, CF1 5

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Panel move

Moved the panels between 4pm and 7pm. More power in the evening and less in the morning.

The roof slope means more generation in the summer, but the same annual generation overall. The house is pointing SSW, so power starts later in the morning (~30 mins later) but as the panels are now higher, the power ramps up quicker.

Monday, 5 April 2021


 West hedge cut and chipped to bamboo. Was pretty tall, now 1.6m. 4 hours