Sunday, 27 December 2020


 Picked up this gem a few weeks back

It's sold under loads of brands. Runs mains compressor or 12V peltier, but with no thermostat on the peltier, it consumes more power (48Wh) on 12V than mains, so I'll just use a small inverter in the car.

The compressor ran for 3 mins every 18 mins maintaining 0C (setting 4) with 18C ambient. That's ~8Wh. I'll have to see what it uses to drop to -15C, but will make a useful backup freezer, or overflow freezer in the summer when we have energy excess.

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Winter tyres

 It's now consistently cold, so the tyres are swapped front to back. 

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Intertek ZF-ES009 chainsaw sharpener

 Yep, I cheaped out. I paid around 65€ for a knock off of the Oregon Jolly, and saved 200+ €

Was it worth it. Yes, considering the amount I use one. It'll pay for itself in about 10 sharpens, which could be a bad weekend when I'm working on the ground.

First the bad. Poor assembly. The earth wire was so badly crimped, I was able to re-use the crimp. Wires from the lamp weren't sheathed, so the shorting to case would have happened and a 20A/230V circuit probably wouldn't have cleared the earth fault. Sheath below the earth was simply pulled up. 

 2 crimps were split.
You can put a tommy bar in to lock the shaft. Unfortunately the hole was in the wrong place.

A hole has been melted into the correct place. Probably a waste of time as you can hold the disc to nip it up. 

The adjacent bolt was flogged too tightly and has fractured the cover. 

Quite a bit of rust / chroming hasn't worked.

Discs are ok, but centre a bit tight on the shaft. 22mm centre, 145 diameter. One is 3.3mm thick, the other 4.8. For my pico chains the 3.3 fits fine. Cant get the 4.8mm in!

There is a 15W E14 (small Edison) lamp. Probably enough, but only comes on with the motor so no use for set up.  I'll have to mod that. It is 25mm above the holder and the is another 25mm of free space. 20mm diameter and it'll go to 22mm. 

The top plate angle has 2 scales, 1 front, 1 rear. They vary by about 2.5 degrees.

The chain clamp needs work, as it doesn't seem to clamp without a loss of force which then changes the angle. When I work this out, I'll put the solution here.

Test fitted against a brand new Stihl chain with the advised settings, the disc fitted well.

There is a really useful table in the manual with chain set up and mine is shown correctly. The parts diagram is missing  the parts, but has the numbers!

Ordered in EU and came with EU plug. Oddly, came with a 2 pole travel adapter to UK plug. This would be illegal under CE marking as a product has to come with the correct plug for the country. It is also unsafe as there is no earth pin.

Great video here  link starting at about 8:30. Also suggests using a CBN wheel and moving the clamp hole closer to the centre.

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Voltmeter / Ammeter / Frequency display

I have a variac, or variable transformer which I use to supply variable AC to projects, or testing switch mode power supplies. Normally I just connect a DVM to measure the volts and don't worry too much about the current. I recently saw these incredibly cheap panels meters that show volts, current and frequency - typically 2€. You can get them in singles too, but I bought a combined one as it came duty paid for ~4€. You try buying one in France and they start at 10€. Mine is red.

Part no AD16-22FVAH 60-500V, 0-100A, 20-75Hz
It's supposed to work at 60V. Lol. 80V min.
When I connect a motor, the frequency changes from 50 to 53Hz.
The resolution of the current is 0.4A, so I've put 10 turns on the CT. Didn't modify the DP as I'd put the unit back together. I suspect the LED DPs are all wired together as per the VK1640 data sheet, so not possible anyway.
The CT wires are live, so take care as the insulation is inadequate even if it's installed. This alone makes me suspect the validity of the CE marking.

Time to hack it! To get it apart, remove the red LED cover and unsolder to 2 wires on the terminals. Live goes to the cap/res.

The chip on the right is a VK1640, I2C to 7 segment driver. IC on the left is sanded off. Probably a PIC!

The yellow and blue wires are the mod. Originally the 1k resistor on the yellow was soldered to the 330n cap. The cap is a simple wattless psu. On reflection, as the voltage input range goes to 500V, reducing the cap to day 220n would have reduced the input voltage, so long as the zener current isnt exceeded. However, this mod allows it to read from 6V. It consistently reads 2V high above 20V, and 1V below, so the error ranges 10% to 1%. Current is spot on.

20/9/23 Testing on a cheap 2-stroke genny, the volts and frequency shot up. I saw volts at 300V, and the 56R resistor glowing. Took it apart to check and it is a little burnt, but 57R. Have left it.

I'd guess that the 2 feeds top right are for volts and frequency.

Update 4/4/20. Got another one! Very similar externally, but just volts/amps. I've installed this onto the variable trafo, and the one above will be made into a lead for the genny to show the frequency (only shows +/- 1 Hz)
It's just 1 digit difference on volts and starts at 3V.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Chimney swept

The usual clean, around an hour to sweep the flue and clean the fire.

Bend cleared 25/1 quite a lot of soot. Sealed bak up with cement. Had been quite a lot of smoke.

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Gate cable duct

 In feb 2013 I pulled in a dodgy data cable to the gates with the power cable.

Lost a core in March for the gate open. No spare cores, so swapped it for the door bell.

Pulled in a new pure copper today. Existing pull was very stiff and gave up at 20m. Turns out the duct had quite a lot of water in the horizontal portion. Sucked it out with the hoover. Then tried to pull a plastic bag down. Only went ~1m. There is a joint, so maybe that killed the suction.

Tried again with more lubricant and it went in quite easily until the last 5cm when the pull snapped!

Sunday, 8 November 2020


 It's that time of year again. Wood for the wood store.

A shock this year, as the tree repo was bare.  I'd thought that there was a fair amount of oak, but it turned out that there was mostly compost from birch cut several years ago. A small amount ~1/4 stere was cut.   Birch that fell last year was wet, but cut to burn this year. A large goat willow was wet and will probably be rotten by next season.

Oak felled a year ago was put in the back of the store. About a stere had failed to stay in a pile and had fallen and got very wet. Another pile of a stere had been kept dry until October when the cover blew off. It's the start of the next 2 rows. These 2 will be topped off with wet birch.

A friend has 10 stere of beech, so this have to be found a home.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Snake Bush

Snake bush is so called as we found small 2 asp vipers there when we hadnt been in long. Back then it was maybe 2m deep and 4m long. We'd hacked it back quite hard a few years back as it was causing a fruit tree to not grow straight.

Today it was probably 4m deep, 10m long and around 6m tall. Removed up to 1m in depth in some places (it borders the neighbours) and maybe 3m off one end, and some of the blackthorn trees were 4+m. Plenty of bramble too. We had a good crop of both sloes and black berries this year.

Even with kevlar gloves, it was punishing work. About 2 man days providing about 2.5m3 of chippings.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Captur rear view mirror trim removal

 Another hour of my life...

Separate the 2 parts as best you can, and pass a small screwdriver under the tab nearest the screen (blue) and lever the yellow one gently down, using the blue tab as a fulcrum.

Releasing one seems enough to wiggle the other off. Then the lower cowl can be removed.

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Hedge cutter

 Removed bolts and spacers, cleaned with oil, removed burrs and sharpened with diamond file. Didn't remove from body.

Friday, 7 August 2020


Cut the southern hedge back very hard on top. It's down to around 1.5m, to allow it to grow and be cut at 1.6m where I can just reach. Took off around 2m in places - the laurel had got way too tall. Around 4m3 of waste shredded in 1 hour. About 40m of hedge.

Parkside PFDS 33 B3 dead on arrival

 80€ at Lidl. I'm not a good (stick) welder, and a good welder will not make me a good welder. Looked at the more expensive one (140€) which does everything, but only seems to be sold in Belgium. Disposable gas bottles last 15 mins according to plenty of forums and at 25€ a pop, that wasnt going to happen. I could hire/buy a bottle, but I weld maybe 10 times a year. Gasless was the way to go for me. And after a bad start I'm happy with the results.

Set it up, turned it on, fan spins, but no wire feed.

The main circuit is very similar to this one   but it is AC output, and the speed control is more complex. All the pin numbers and AC correct on this one. Mine uses the welding supply to drive another bridge, and the drive is 24V, so ignore all the electronics. 

When you press the trigger, you complete the AC circuit from a small 12V trafo on the pcb, which drives a large relay and a small relay together, so you should hear a click. I had no click. The large relay feeds the large welding trafo. The small one runs the feed motor via a 4069UB chip, pot + SVF740 mosfet

I removed the PCB, and the 1/2A fuse, and put a 12V psu on the fuse and pin 4. Doesnt matter that it's DC as the next device is a bridge rectifier. Nothing. Tried on the relay.  All good. Kept working back and it was a dry joint on the bridge. Looked fine, but a quick re-heat and all good.

I repair quite a lot of stuff and this is by far one of the best pcbs I've seen in cheap gear for a long time. They could be fake parts, but they are branded, and the soldering is err good. I think it's hand soldered, but it looks like lead to me, not ROHS - way too shiny. A good layer of conformal coat too...all over the connector too! 

The dodgy one is on the right

harbor freight flux 125

I might look at changing to DC - see here

Friday, 26 June 2020


Winter duvet washed in 9kg machine. Largely dried in garage over night, then 2 days outside in the sun.

Monday, 1 June 2020

Woox smart plug

This was bought as a Woox 5402 from Amazon. It had Tuyau firmware, seen at boot on the serial port. There are a few sites that enable you to reprogram these without opening.
The stock FW needs an app and you need to register with Woox. A few people reckon they phone home.
It's nicely made.
I didn't want a system that can't operate when the internet is down, or even to register to use it, so I've blown in some simple MQTT FW.
15/2/25 gone over to ESPHome
Very similar to this. Pinout is good
Ground GP0 and apply power
YAML mainly from
led 2, button 13, relay 15

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Car service

Full service, all filters and brake fluid. No issues.
Receipt emailed.
Service booked 20 March,  but cancelled by garage.

Sunday, 17 May 2020

MT09 batterie

Battery changed at 11590km, mid March 2020, but not taken out until 17 May. Started very well.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020


The tongue on the chute got bent and no longer fitted onto the deck.
Took the opportunity to clear all around the hydro box which was pretty choked
Oil in box 45mm down vent pipe
drive belt work on inside edges.
65:56/181.1 rear back plate has also got quite badly bent and the bin was falling off. Better now, but not right.

4/6/20 replaced steering ball joint front right. Wasn't too bad.
27/8/20 took put the petrol tank to fix the hand brake which no longer locked. Turned out that the screw holds the handle on was almost lost. It has been getting worse and worse. The design isn't fantastic and the metal pull rod for the mechanism has made an oval hole in the handle. I've tyraped it up, so the tyrap should wear out first.
I also tied all the cabling out the way as this was rubbing on various parts like the steering column.
The throttle, which has always been a bit odd, and didn't like to stay at full revs was broken. The bowden cable had come out of the crimp, so that was crimped, oiled and replaced.

Monday, 13 April 2020

Paving next to the terasse

The grass area between the terasse and the slopey gets very wet and cant be walked on in the winter. As a temporary measure I plopped some spare slabs on it about 5 years ago. 2 years ago I bought another 10 and plopped them in between the others so you didnt need giant footsteps. Long story short, I finally got around to actually laying the slabs semi-properly, with a drain down the middle. Semi-properly as they are straight onto the clay.
Time will tell whether a lack of sand and cement will come back to bite.

The drain stops under the 2nd slab, after the turn on the long northern going run.

Friday, 14 February 2020

Chipper Shredder

Bolts holding the blade on
3 x M10 8,8 with 4mm hex heads. Recommended torque ~55Nm/40lbft.
10/2/20 All bolts loosened and re-torqued. Were over-tight. 

Tuesday, 4 February 2020


Reduced southern hedge (excluding laurel) to cheek height. Removed ~1m
Reduced western hedge to cheek height from camellia to pergola. Removed ~1.5m
Took less than an hour to shred each hedge.
Removed leggy growth ie pollarded the willow by the gates
trimmed oak and other shrub chez Grillets touching the phone line.

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Roof tiles

The roof was put on a shade over 10 years ago. They are standard clay tiles - Tuile gallo-romane rouge - MONIER, Réf: GL1B601.
2 years ago I replaced 3 with hairline fractures. This year it's 6, but I'm convinced I found a lot more in the summer.