This speaker is really well made with a good attention to detail. All joints are sealed well.
To open, remove the rubber foot, free the antenna. Slide guitar picks to release the 4 tabs see pic of ali case. Slide large plastic part out, being careful to not kill the antenna. 6 screws to remove the back. No battery connector. You can now remove the front grill, but it doesnt give any more access.
2 speakers and 2 ports.
It tells you what it is doing at full volume. Really annoying. Also, if you power it up with aux plugged in, it doesn't recognise it, thus you have to jack in/out again. A small microprocessor (pic10f220) was added to address most of the problems; it detects the aux jack and mutes the voice. It mutes at power up, and when the off button is pressed. It asserts the 'jack present line' at power up for 6s then re-connects it; thus if there was a jack plugged in, it is now detected; if not it enters BT as normal.
I'd buy another, but not to modify. I'd bought it to fit a small pcb inside with an internet radio. Unfortunately the aluminium case will limit the wifi range; the BT antenna is not ideally placed currently being on the base under the rubber foot.
A 5V port was added to the rear; 5V as I don't know what the internal 5v to 3v3 regulator is rated for - it was only just giving 3.1V. The 5V comes from a mt3608 boost from the 3.7V li-ion cell which is good for 2A.

Pics showing the mods. A new board with a pic10f220 on the left to mute the full volume voice prompts, plus forcing the unit into AUX on power up.