During the last thunder storms rcd no2 has tripped. I'd put this down to ground potential differences as 2 outdoor sockets are on this rcd. Another outdoor socket, slightly further away on an adjacent rcd was ok. Last trip, I'd noticed the rcd a bit reluctant to reset, and put this down to water in the outside circuits.
Today, no 2 reset ok; it has been very dry in the last few week, but was pissing down during the storm. As I happened to have a spare AC type, I've swapped out the 2009 nalto 40A/30mA type AC (only 3kva!) for a 2005 10kva 80A merlin gerin.
The fridge/freezer had been on no 2. I've moved it to a spare dedicated circuit on another rcd, which was for the oven. There is also another spare 32A circuit for the cooker if needed.
Also did routine maintenance on the board, rcd trips & screw tightness.